Lips tattoo in Naiyang beach Phuket airport
One of the most recent (and perhaps even the most discussed) fads in terms of permanent make-up is the one concerning the tattoo of the lips: thanks to this method, particular beauty effects can be obtained on one’s lips, with methods and techniques that help define not only the shape and dimensional appearance of the mouth, but also the color and brightness of the lips. It is a real beauty innovation, which however must always be done by expert and truly qualified people in the sector: one must not rely on improvised or non-professional people, because the risk is that of not being able to enhance the right way own face. Furthermore, unlike a typical permanent lip tattoo, this method is truly innovative and worthy of attention above all because it makes use of techniques that enhance the color of the lips in a natural way, acting on the complexion without weighing it down. With this technique a wonderful natural effect is obtained, for lips that appear healthy and true, without any weighting on the color or on the shape: there is no risk of having a false effect, but it will be sufficient (if you want to add brightness or change color) to apply a thin layer of lipstick or lip gloss.

Lips tattoo in Naiyang beach Phuket airport: how we work
A positive aspect regarding the use of this innovative method of tattooing the lips concerns precisely the fact that after the treatment they appear truly healthy and natural like real lips: what makes the difference is simply the fact that they appear regular and well drawn, without mottled or irregular effects. Thanks to this treatment which makes the mouth defined and perfectly pigmented as if it were made up in a natural and imperceptible way at any time of the day, it is possible to obtain a relaxed and beautiful face, at any age and without particular contraindications.
To make the effect truly lasting over time, it is necessary to follow some indications that are provided by
the qualified personnel who carry out the tattoo: one of the most striking examples concerns the advice
to avoid being exposed to the sun’s rays, and to always use a cream for protection very high solar. In fact,
this treatment (although not dangerous) certainly requires greater attention to skin care: even products or cosmetics that are too aggressive (or of dubious quality and origin) must be avoided, precisely in order not to make the effects obtained with this technique useless.
In general, the contours of the lips and mucous membranes are colored using a particular tool:
This technique serves to uniform the color and make the edges more defined in a natural way, trying to enhance the strong points and hide any asymmetries. Furthermore, with this method it is also possible to obtain a slight volumizing effect: another advantage concerns the fact that the lips always appear made up, albeit in a natural way, with a more uniform and slightly darker color than the natural one, and above all with sharper edges. To get the most out of this treatment, however, it is necessary to rely on truly expert and qualified people, who know how to provide the right advice and guide you towards the most congenial choice.
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